It is astounding how sometimes a concept becomes reality and rolls on independently. When we were in the concept phase for the Lacoste films we never expected the mirrors to go into production. But this is what happens when you’re only working on the subject itself, other ideas seem to disappear in some sort of mist. However, it happened exactly like it did with the table project. We had posted this ‘making of’ images and received right away request where to buy the mirrors. Well, the only place to buy them is here at Double Standards soon. They only come in a pair of two in defined color combinations.
Large version combinations are (measurements in diametre)
A.) Bronze 180cm and purple 137cm
B.) Smoke 176cm and orange 160cm
C.) Orange 170cm and purple 137cm
Or combinations of the above.
Small version combinations are (measurements in diametre)
A.) Bronze 35cm and dark purple 20cm (as shown in the picture below)
B.) Smoke 30cm and orange 18cm
C.) Orange 25cm and purple 15cm
Prizes are to be found here in our online shop soon.