We all have heard all those stories living in clubland – the funny, sad, ridiculous, horrifying, exciting, heart breaking, life changing, love for life – mornings after a biiiiig night out. THE one constant procedure is going through your pockets when you throw your clothes straight into the washing machine.
Oh dear, what findings there are – phone numbers on empty cigarette boxes, crown caps, broken cigarettes, keys that don’t belong to you, unrecognizable sticky gum packets – and in case of CDV - the many tokens of unreturned drinking glasses throughout the nightanddayandnightagain. This we know happens to so many, many people we know go clubbing at Club der Visionäre it caused us to design a t-shirt around this funny little side note.
We’re grateful Gregor liked the idea as much as we do so we went for it and turned it into the offical 2019 CDV shirt. CDV FOREVER!!!!! Please come back ——— it is just across the street form our studio …. we need this club to come back alive again. What a nice hang out after work for a couple of tracks to listen to ….. and then … the morning after again ….
Oh dear, what findings there are – phone numbers on empty cigarette boxes, crown caps, broken cigarettes, keys that don’t belong to you, unrecognizable sticky gum packets – and in case of CDV - the many tokens of unreturned drinking glasses throughout the nightanddayandnightagain. This we know happens to so many, many people we know go clubbing at Club der Visionäre it caused us to design a t-shirt around this funny little side note.
We’re grateful Gregor liked the idea as much as we do so we went for it and turned it into the offical 2019 CDV shirt. CDV FOREVER!!!!! Please come back ——— it is just across the street form our studio …. we need this club to come back alive again. What a nice hang out after work for a couple of tracks to listen to ….. and then … the morning after again ….