Venezia vendesi – Second Issue

Bauwelt & Bauverlag

For over 104 years, Bauwelt has been providing weekly reports on current architectural and urban developments in Europe and around the world.

The architecture journal is a forum for analysis and commentary surrounding current issues in architecture. Bauwelt obtains viewpoints, provides material for discussion and forms the opinions of competent readers from building authorities and leading architecture firms that make decisions about a large number of contracts.

At, the target group of architects, civil engineers, interior designers, urban planners, and lighting planners receive daily updates and additional online posts, films, photo galleries, dossiers, and debates related to the central topic of a current issue.

The weekly newsletter addresses 20,000 registered recipients and includes additional features, such as a preview of the upcoming issue.

… well … this much said about the importance of the Bauwelt Magazine in the world of architects, NO PRESSURE ON US THEN to redesign the whole range of products, the print magazine, the online version and the app.