Whaling in central Germany
Kunstmuseum WolfsburgWhen it comes to art, in our opinion, there is no such thing as ‘middle of the road’-thinking. You have to make up your mind on the observer’s side, and on the artist’s side you’ve got to make a clear statement. Not in an naive, striking or obvious way - but identifiable. The same goes for any museum and curators working there. Make a point with your work. You’re either left or right, black or white, in or out. This is what the corporate design of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg is all about. One very simple rule to follow. Every little detail is divided in half and leads to the next element. And if this is not enough, not distinguishable enough take off another 50 percent of this detail and there you are. From the letterhead to posters, wall texts to type area in the books - one simple rule we’re following through and keep reshaping for the last 8 years. We’re not getting bored with finding new ways of dividing spaces in more than one way.